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The Baby's Blocks patchwork has to be rather carefully pieced on
account of the corners coming exactly together to produce that
charming but puzzling geometric effect.
For a baby quilt in white, pink and rose, or three tints of blue
this makes a cunning coverlet with edges left in points as it finishes,
being then bound in the darkest of the tints. As a quilt for the boy's bed it is quite masculine in unbleached,
tan and red, different values of green or any scheme to harmonize
with his room.
Equal amounts of three colors are used in this coverlet. We
suggest for a full-size quilt 3 yards each of light, medium and dark.
For a twin size, 2 1/2 yards each of three colors and for a crib quilt,
1 yard of each color.
Quilting would be confined to very simple lines, such as follow
the seams obliquely across in two directions would be practical and