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THE Bear's Paw is unquestionably of frontier origin. Perhaps
the pioneer father found such a track in his field or garden one
morning and the mother bravely thought "how interesting"
instead of "how dangerous." Then we suppose she transferred
it to linsey-woolsey or hickory-dyed jean, using the unworn
parts of much be-patched garments into a sturdy quilt!
All of our series of old-time quilts have stories, more of
them than we could possibly know of course.
This very block, called "Bear's Paw" in certain localities is
known as "Duck's Foot in the Mud"! That must have come
later, or in more safely settled communities where the bears
had moved on out even if paving had not come in.
And the Friends down in Pennsylvania had the very same
arrangement in a block called neither "Bear's Paw" or "Duck's
Foot in the Mud" but "Hand of Friendship." From this by
curving of the angles may have grown to another lovely block
called "Hands All Around."
A spider web stamped on the alternate plain squares from
perforated pattern number 263 at 25 cents would exactly fit
and be harmonious in design, as well as being a very easy
pattern to quilt.
This is a simple block to seam. Make each section the
size of the given patterns when finished which means allow
seams extra.
Material Estimate: Set together with alternate white
blocks. These will be about 12 1/2 inches square, depending
on the exact size of your pieced "Bear's Paws," 36 blocks, 18
pieced and 18 plain, plus a three-inch border at top and
bottom will finish about 72 inches by 79 inches and require 5
yards of white and 3 yards of colored material.