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THE PINE TREE blocks make a very handsome quilt. It takes sixteen pieced blocks to make a quilt about eighty-four inches square, aside from its border. These blocks must set together diagonally with alternating blocks of white, cut the exact size of the pieced block. The cardboard patterns are the exact size in which the pieces should be cut. The size of one block when put together is about fifteen inches. Extend tree trunk three inches longer than pattern given.
Lay the cardboard patterns on the material. Trace around with pencil carefully; cut a seam larger, sewing on the pencil line. The two white pieces of irregular shape have to be fitted in as marked on the edges; aside from this, the "Pine Tree" is largely a business of sewing small triangles into squares and adding them together. Allow 6 1/2 yards of white and 4 1/2 yards of green. This sounds like a lot of material, but the smaller the pieces the larger the yardage.