
PATCHWORK has nothing to do with cross-patches, but as Mrs. Wiggs used
to say, it is "keepin' the peace and doin'away with scraps." You'll
love to do something pieced for the treasure chest, maybe several
quilts that will be cherished for a generation or maybe just a precious
"patchedy" pillow to start with.
The Honeymoon Cottage has a quaint old-fashioned charm that will appeal
to all lovers of a squat, broad-eved, little home with wide, hospitable
doorway and fireplace. It is delightfully made in two color
combinations using a harmonizing print for the lawn. The materials used
are white muslin, the colored materials are a fine grade of fade proof
gingham. The print is of very good quality also. A block is simple to
piece and when finished, measures about 12 by 15 inches. Twenty of the
blocks set together with four-inch strips and six-inch border, make a
quilt about 84 by 90 inches.
One block makes a clever pillow or stool top. A stool can be made at
home by smoothly padding a board or shallow box and using wooden door
stops, brass hooks, or large knobs, for legs. The edge finish for such
a stool is a headed ruffle of green or any other color used in the
pieced top.
No. 232 Material for Quilt, $2.95. No. 230 Cutting Pattern and
instructions for Honeymoon Cottage, at 20 cents. No. 231 Material for
Pillow Top and Back, 45 cents. No. 233 Material for Stool Top, at 45
cents. |