SOME like to piece, while others prefer applique, and then there's
embroidery, but whatever your choice you should get the thrill of
making a quilt.
The iris applique is assured of success because the design is so
lovely, and yet it is not intricate to make. Orchid and deeper violet,
two values of green, darker for the leaves and a bit of orange
embroidery make the blocks. It is set together in an unusual manner
with narrow strips of green and small orange squares at each
intersection, alternate blocks plain to allow for fancy quilting.
The pattern is No. 369 at 20 cents. Yardage assortment for the entire
top to finish into a very large top that covers the pillows well, about
78 by 97 is No. 369M at $4.00. This is 10 yards of beautiful material
in six colors and includes stamping of the 25 applique blocks for
placing, with cutting patterns and dimensions on all the rest.
Perforated quilting pattern of a conventional iris that spaces
beautifully on the half and quarter blocks also is No. 369P at 25 cents.
If you prefer we will stamp these for you ready to quilt at $1.00