THE Pansy Quilt, number 200, is pieced of lavender and violet with a
bright little center in yellow and green. Sixteen pieced blocks with
alternating white squares are enough for even a full sized quilt if
borders are added as suggested in the small sketch. Exact cutting
patterns of all parts with definite instructions and chart for making
the block are in order number 200.
An assortment of best quality fine percales in exact colors for a
14-inch pillow may be ordered as number 200B at 50 cents. This will
include material for the front, back, and boxing, with a cutting
pattern. It requires 7 1/3 yards of material to make the complete
quilt, and this amount in proper color assortment will be sent in
beautiful fast color percale for $2.55 postpaid. This is number 200C.