READY CUT quilts save you all the tedious marking of materials and
endless cutting of hundreds of small pieces. The assortment for a Pine
Tree Quilt top come to you complete, all of the pieces accurately cut.
A detailed chart shows exactly how to sew the pieces and quickly make
up the quilt.
We select finest, fast color percales, cut all the hundreds and
hundreds of triangles for you in exact sizes, true with the weave of
the material. This comes to you carefully packaged as No. 302M at
$4.00. This is for a large quilt top about 86 inches square, composed
of 16 pieced blocks, set diagonally with large plain squares. Or you
may order a single block with plain matching back to make a pillow as
No. 302X at 50c. Perforated pattern No. 328 at 25 cents, called
"President's Wreath" exactly fits the alternate blocks for fancy
quilting. |